Places to Learn
Content Sites I've used (with commentary)
- Pluralsight: Currently the site I'm spending the most time with, it helped with understanding Vue while building this site, in addition to other courses on Unreal and others.
- MZed: A great resource for filmmaking courses. I've been slowly working through their Cinema Sound course, which is ~50+ hours of content.
- Skillshare: Typically shorter courses (<2-3 hours) on very specific subjects. Tons of resources for learning graphic design and photography in particular. Not as many code and other courses, but there are stand-outs, like Tal Safran's Learn Rails course.
- Wes Bos: Excellent courses, particularly free ones, on front-end development topics. I haven't gotten his paid courses yet, but strongly considering doing so soon, particularly for Javascript ES6...because I'm vaguely competent at Javascript, but lack of in-depth knowledge hinders my development ability and speed.
- Treehouse: My favorite of the many sites to learn code and development topics.
- Tuts+: Lots of variety in courses here, I've primarily taken the video and CGI related ones, and they're solid.
- Codecademy: My first recommendation for learning to code (it's free) and has been adding more languages and projects lately, including Rails.
- Creative Dojo: The main instructor for the Tuts+ After Effects courses I've gone through and he has some interesting tutorials on his own site.
Specific Courses
Colin Wright's Design for Publishing Course: At present I don't have a link for this, but I can say without a doubt this blog wouldn't exist without Colin's course. It developed an abiding interest, previously non-existent, in design and design thinking. Not to mention the belief in my ability to be visually creative, which had also felt like not a thing. I'll link to his upcoming one once it's up. The cover design for my parkour e-book came directly from the knowledge (and practice) learned in his course.