Video thumbnails

Published 11. June 2014.

I've got my hands on an awesome plugin, UberGrid (aff link) for making resizable grids and for a simple way to handle the massive number of videos I have on Play Everywhere. And thus I realized I needed some thumbnail style images for all the videos, because the auto-generated ones from Youtube were crap.

So time to experiment with minimal typography and use of color for these. The thumbnails I see on youtube sometimes with the super heavy thick strokes or other effects feel a bit tacky to me, so I'm trying something a bit simpler. For a bit of contrast at distance I've added a sign-painter style drop-shadow, but that may not stay in the final versions. Otherwise setting type in styles that fit the name and direction of travel.


lazyvaultThumb360ubThumb speedvaultThumb stepvaultThumb turnvaultThumb

The way these images line up without any adjustments to code is also a perfect example of why grid based plug-ins (or custom CSS like purecss) are great for creating beautiful, symmetrical, layouts.