90 Days of Motion Graphics (Project 2)

Published 15. January 2015.

And with less fan fare here's the second project! Like the first it ended up taking three days (sessions as it were) of work.

Unlike the first this was following along with a specific tutorial on creating trailer titles. The original source tutorial examples had a metalic and gunmetal vibe, so I went looking for a short quote that might work.

The Book of Five Rings is always a good source for philosophical quotes on fighting, and thus this one felt perfect.

You can only fight the way you practice.

In spirit of the quote, and of the endeavor, the final product has similar contours to the tutorial's subject matter, but in the details I went my own way. With creative projects you learn far more from following with the technique while exploring new directions with the substance of the work.

The changes in this case were by chance. I didn't like the lens flare effect that was originally called for, and substituted a paper texture for the background. The burn-in effect was a total accident when trying different blending modes which ended up creating nice beginning and ending transitions.

Next project may be a cool lower-thirds animation.